Em 30/03/2017 04:31, "Mathieu Parent" <math.par...@gmail.com> escreveu:

2017-03-29 21:28 GMT+02:00 Leonardo Bruno <leobr...@gmail.com>:
> Package: php-horde-imp
> Version: 6.2.2-3
> Severity: important
> Scenario: Compose a message using the IMP smartmobile view in a Horde
> with the 'attach_body_check' enabled.

> Symptoms: When using the IMP smartmobile view, it will not be possible to
> send a message without attachments if in the message body text there is
> of the keywords defined in the 'attach_body_check' IMP hook function.
> The first attempt to send will show a warning message informing that no
> attachments are indeed present, as it is expected. However, the following
> attempts present the same behavior: a message warns about the absence of
> attachments and the message is not sent. It will only be sent if: 1) you
> remove the keyword(s) from the message, or 2) add some attachment, or 3)
> disable the hook.
> Remarks:
> 1. Only the smartmobile view is affected.
> 2. The tests where performed with the default Horde and IMP prefs. The
> hooke enabled is 'attach_body_check'.
> 3. This issue affects the upcoming php-horde-imp stable package (version
> 6.2.17-1) in Debian stretch.
> 4. I chose to mark this report as 'important' as the smartmobile view
> actually is a must-have feature, and there is no way to deactivate the
> 'attach_body_check' only for this view.

This is probably related to #749799.

Help on this is appreciated.



Dear Mathieu,

This surely should be related to the jQuery issue.

However, it may be helpful to inform that I updated the jQuery on the Horde
setup I detected the problem with the 'attach_body_check'.

I simply downloaded the jQuery version that is included with Horde code
from the development team, and symlinked it in place of the version shipped
with Debian.

So I can confirm that the smartmobile view seems to work correctly, from
the jQuery point of view. For my users and for me, the main features of
Horde, IMP, Turba, Kronolith and Ingo work well on smart phones.

Additionally, I did a little debugging and detected that, in some way,
the 'IMP_Factory_Compose' class constructor is called as many times as the
users clicks 'Send' button while composing messages on the smartmobile view.

This behavior seems to be incorrect as that constructor is called just once
in the Dynamic view which works correctly.

I could also see that each time the 'IMP_Factory_Compose' constructor is
called, a new 'object' is generated with the _metadata['attach_body_check']
attribute not set. A different value for the _cacheid attribute is
generated every time.

This - I suppose - is causing the attach body verification code to always
detect the currently being composed message as a 'new-still-no-verified'
message, which is consistent white the endless loop behavior while trying
to send the message.

As the smartmobile view is primarily driven by jQuery, this can be related
the the Horde JS code or to the library itself.

Leonardo Bruno

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