On Mon, Apr 03, 2017 at 04:50:39PM +0200, Harald Dunkel wrote:
> Sorry, but this is not reasonable. If I violated some syntax,
> then it could tell me.

| This file is processed as a shell script.  Therefore, the second
| assignment overrides the first one.


is not a syntax violation

> Please note that the postinst script created a new file with the same
> bad syntax (2 XKBOPTIONS lines).

Valid syntax ...

| > If I chose [yes], then the
| >
| >       XKBOPTIONS="terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"
| >
| > is lost.
| This is expected.  Try this instead:
|          XKBOPTIONS="terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp,caps:none"

Please report it that was/is the correct "append" [1]

And try to cope with the fact
that dpkg-reconfigure and/or postinst scripts
are not "syntax repair helpers".

Geert Stappers
[1] yes, I take the risc that I imply that
the original append was incorrect, or even *plain wrong*
Leven en laten leven

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