On 03/04/2017 20:21, Simon McVittie wrote:

> Yes: if any user or group mentioned in /etc/dbus/system.d/
> comes from LDAP, then it needs to know who they are.

This directory does not exist on this system.

> I would not recommend using non-local NSS without some sort of cache
> (unscd, nss-updatedb or sssd), 

This system has nslcd but I think it only has RAM cache and I guess that a 
cache on persistent storage would be needed.

> and doubly so if system users are in LDAP.

System users are all local in /etc/passwd.

>>  - would it be possible to order the dbus start after network is available?
> In general no, because some ways to get on the network require D-Bus
> (NetworkManager, ConnMan, wicd), so you would have a circular
> dependency.

This system is minimal and uses plain old /etc/network/interfaces

> If you don't use any of those, then you can configure this locally
> by creating /etc/systemd/system/dbus.service.d/local.conf containing
> something like this (untested and quite possibly wrong, see systemd
> documentation):
> [Unit]
> Wants=network-online.target
> After=network-online.target

Thanks for this solution!  I tried it and after a limited number of boots I 
have not seen the problem again.  Since boots are non deterministic it is not a 
perfect test, and I'll let you know if I see the error messages again.

How about suggesting this solution in /usr/share/doc/dbus/README.Debian?


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