
On Sat, Mar 11, 2017 at 07:07:46PM +0100, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz wrote:
> Hi Adam!
> > I'm afraid that, similar to the current debian-devel thread about leaving
> > old (possibly subsequently purged) mails on .icedove->.thunderbird
> > transition, Icedove/Thunderbird leaves the whole IMAP cache on the disk
> > when you delete an account.
> I suggest reporting this bug upstream as this would probably require some more
> involved changes to Thunderbird itself and I'm not sure whether the 
> maintainers
> of the package in Debian can or want to do that.

it looks like Mozilla is suprising all of us, at least me on this
specific issue. There is obviously no need to open a upstream bug on
this issue, Mozilla has fixed this by adding a option to remove all
relevant files if you want to remove a whole account in your Thunderbird
with the release of version 52.0.


Note the second NEWS phrase.

So we can close this report once we have a successful build and upload
of the upstream version 52.0.


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