Hello Niels,

On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 11:20:00AM +0000, Niels Thykier wrote:
> Ok.  This, along with the fact that files are renamed and change meaning
> (as noted in the README), worries me.  My current gut feeling is to say
> no to the upstream release for stretch.
> That said, I am happy to consider cherry-picks / targeted fixes for
> issues (e.g. the d/rules changes or upstream bug fixes).

o.k. then I can prepare the fixups for the existing release 4.0.5 of
KiCad and create a new Debian version also for that.

I already started to work on this, unfortunately some minor issue is
coming out on that.

The current source tarballs are named 4.0.5+dfsg1*. But there is one
footprint library inside missing due a issue in the helper script that
is downloading all the needed sources.
The issue is a not correct call and usage of the GitHub API so not all
footprint libraries are downloaded. In short, the tagged 4.0.5 footprint
files of Connectors_Terminal_Blocks.pretty [1] are still missing in the
current source files and I'd need to prepare a new source 4.0.5+dfsg2*.
Otherwise the fix of the current situation is only a partial fix. I
really recommend to add this missing library.

So the current fix for the existing version 4.0.5+dfsg1-4 I'd like to do
would be:

1. Adding the missing footprint library (resulting in 4.0.5+dfsg2).
2. Adding the symlinking of the renamed footprint folders.
3. Adding a README.Debian for explaining the symlinking.

[1] https://github.com/KiCad/Connectors_Terminal_Blocks.pretty/tree/4.0.5


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