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On Sun, Apr 23, 2017 at 08:03:23PM +0100, prioryc wrote:
> Try to send an e-mail with an attachment using the newly installed Thunderbird
> Create e-mail, add recipient & subject, attach a file and press Send

There was nothing changed in the backend except the binary name, so in
the end it's basically the same as before.

> Error notification:
> Unable to save your message as a draft.
> Unable to open the temporary file /mnt/44864d9b-2a13-4bcf-
> a0d3-ee42099439ea/temp/17Q1 Accounts 2004.xls. Check your 'Temporary 
> Directory'
> setting.

Which access rights are set to the folder(s)?
Which user is trying to access?
What filesystem is used?
What else can you provide of information?

As far as I can see your report is no misbehavior of thunderbird, you
have a problem of access right on your local system.

> If I copy the file to another location and attach it from there - same error
> with the path to the attached file changed
> Change the file name to remove spaces - same error

What "other" location was used?

Please provide more information, we can't know what you have done or
have try to do.


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