Hello Jim,

On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 02:58:45PM +0100, Jim Cobley wrote:
> No change to any permissions etc since using Icedove - simply "updated"
> Thunderbird and then unable to send attachments.

well, the binary is now called thunderbird{-bin} instead of
icedove{-bin} and some graphics have changed so we haven't changed here
anything related to user or access rights.

> Testing further with the following results:-
> I can send an attachment from this Temp folder in my home directory
>    jimc@jupiter2:~$ ls -l | grep Temp
>    drwxr-xr-x  3 jimc paws4pets   12288 Feb  5 17:13 Temp
>    jimc@jupiter2:~/Temp$ ls -l | grep 17Q
>    -rw-rw-r-- 1 jimc paws4pets 82944 Apr 23 19:20 17Q1Accounts.xls
> I cannot send an attachment from this temp folder
>    jimc@jupiter2:/mnt/44864d9b-2a13-4bcf-a0d3-ee42099439ea$ ls -l | grep temp
>    drwxrwx--- 107 jimc paws4pets 12288 Apr 24 14:37 temp
>    jimc@jupiter2:/mnt/44864d9b-2a13-4bcf-a0d3-ee42099439ea/temp$ ls -l | grep 
> 17Q
>    -rw-rw-r--  1 jimc jimc          82944 Apr 23 19:20 17Q1Accounts.xls
> So is it a permissions issue after all?

I still believe it is, what else it should be? Some process can't access
some data so you have a access right problem. You're the first person that
is reporting such a issue.
I also don't understand why you using a folder
/mnt/44864d9b-2a13-4bcf-a0d3-ee42099439ea and how this is mounted and
how this is related to Thunderbird?
What happen if you use a other external data storage device?
Are there ACLs set to this folder? (getfcl)
How is this folder mounted? Which filesystem?
What UIDs are used for users and groups?
Which UID your user is running? Is it UID 1900?
Which UIDs are used on /mnt/44864d9b-2a13-4bcf-a0d3-ee42099439ea ?
Which groups you assigned?
Which user the binary is running?
As far as I can see /home/jimc is a subfolder on /dev/sdb1?

What happen if you try to set up a clean profile? If you also have
problem to add attachment that you clearly have a problem with your
access rights.

What is the stderr output showing? Have you tried to extend the output
of the binary? If you have installed the old icedove transitional
package you can use the command lines from here, if you only have
installed the thunderbird package please use 'thunderbird' as the last
argument in the binary call.


You can remove the thunderbird packages and install the old packages
again, but I don't see why this would solve anything.

OTOH you need to go back to a clean environment and start with a clean
profile, make a backup of the current profile folder before!

Please understand, I think we or I can't solve these kind of problems on
you machine, you need to investigate the problem you have mostly by your
own or ask for help in some Debian related support channels.

> Change the "Everyone" permission to allow reads on the "temp" folder to
> check
> Same problem but I will logout and in again to make sure new permission is
> recognised so I will add new message when done.
> In the meantime here's more info:
> There are 2 users set on my system "jimc" and "admin"
> Logged in as jimc (user 1900 - type administrator), sending attachment from
> my home folder (or anywhere else) gives the error
> Member of groups including admin, paws4pets
> Attached file has no "strange" characters in name - have tried .pdf and .xls
> files at different times
> /tmp
> drwxrwxrwt  18 root root 434176 Apr 24 14:09 tmp
> ls -l /tmp
> drwx------ 2 root     root          4096 Apr 24 09:50 aptcc
> drwx------ 2 root     root          4096 Apr 24 14:22 libgksu-NbEeHy
> drwx------ 2 jimc     paws4pets     4096 Apr 24 13:35 mozilla_jimc0
> drwx------ 2 jimc     paws4pets     4096 Jan  1  1970 orbit-jimc
> drwx------ 2 root     root          4096 Jan  1  1970 orbit-root
> drwx------ 2 jimc     paws4pets     4096 Apr 24 09:49 ssh-W9BsjxLbswEK
> /home/jimc/ .thunder
> lrwxrwxrwx   1 jimc paws4pets      19 Apr 21 12:12 .thunderbird -> 
> /home/jimc/.icedove
> /home/jimc/.icedove
> drwx--S---  3 jimc paws4pets 4096 Apr 21 12:12 Crash Reports

Why is here a sticky set? But that's not related to your problem you

> drwxrwxr-x 13 jimc paws4pets 4096 Apr 24 14:12 dge2hn3l.default
> -rw-r--r--  1 jimc paws4pets   94 Oct 23  2014 profiles.ini
> Filesystem      1K-blocks      Used  Available Use% Mounted on
> udev                10240         0      10240   0% /dev
> tmpfs             1575724      9780    1565944   1% /run
> /dev/sdb1        61409300  51395100    6871752  89% /
> tmpfs             3939308       592    3938716   1% /dev/shm
> tmpfs                5120         8       5112   1% /run/lock
> tmpfs             3939308         0    3939308   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
> /dev/sda1      1338179372 203292696 1066888012  17% 
> /mnt/44864d9b-2a13-4bcf-a0d3-ee42099439ea
> tmpfs              787864         8     787856   1% /run/user/113
> tmpfs              787864        44     787820   1% /run/user/1900

This isn't helping much, we can't know what settings you have used
before. The mount point and option are more interesting. And how the
devices are getting mounted.

I'm using a mountpoint /data (mounted by /etc/fstab) here without any
problems in any program in a similar situation.

$ grep /data /proc/mounts 
/dev/sdb1 /data ext4 rw,noatime,errors=remount-ro,commit=600,data=ordered 0 0

$ ls -ln / | grep data
drwxrwxrwx  19 0 100  4096 Apr 14 09:07 data

$ ls -l / | grep data
drwxrwxrwx  19 root users  4096 Apr 14 09:07 data

$ ll /data/.icedove/
insgesamt 20
drwx------  3 carsten carsten 4096 Apr 11 19:19 Crash Reports
-rw-r--r--  1 carsten carsten   26 Jun 10  2015 greeting-ml.txt
drwxr-xr-x 16 carsten carsten 4096 Apr 24 16:39 ocpnorvk.default
-rw-r--r--  1 carsten carsten   94 Feb 19 08:59 profiles.ini
-rwx------  1 carsten carsten   29 Jun  5  2016 times.json

$ ls -n /data/.icedove/
insgesamt 20
drwx------  3 1000 1000 4096 Apr 11 19:19 Crash Reports
-rw-r--r--  1 1000 1000   26 Jun 10  2015 greeting-ml.txt
drwxr-xr-x 16 1000 1000 4096 Apr 24 16:39 ocpnorvk.default
-rw-r--r--  1 1000 1000   94 Feb 19 08:59 profiles.ini
-rwx------  1 1000 1000   29 Jun  5  2016 times.json

$ getfacl /data
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: data
# owner: root
# group: users

$ getfacl /data/.icedove
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: data/.icedove
# owner: carsten
# group: carsten

$ ls -la ~/.thunderbird
lrwxrwxrwx 1 carsten carsten 22 Mär 26 21:19 /home/carsten/.thunderbird -> 

$ ls -la ~/.icedove
lrwxrwxrwx 1 carsten carsten 27 Mär 26 21:01 /home/carsten/.icedove -> 

$ ls -la ~/data
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 Dez 25 16:57 /home/carsten/data -> /data

So I really don't think we have a problem here on the thunderbird


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