Resending now, actually. 
Laura Arjona Reina

-- Original message --

    Subject: Suggestions to update the page
    From: Matt Weeks <>
    Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2017 17:23:05 -0500
    Message-id: <[🔎]>

The page seems a bit outdated. Is there someone here 
who can update it?

I'd suggest changing

"Due to space and bandwidth constraints, only very few mirrors are able to 
supply direct HTTP/FTP download links. These sites may use bandwidth 
throttling, downloads can be quite slow. Please use jigdo or bittorrent 
instead. DVD images are only available for some architectures and not on all 



"Many mirrors supply direct HTTP download links you can download with your 

And moving it to the top.

It is no longer true that few mirrors can serve HTTP; there’s 182 mirrors 
serving. The FTP links have been removed. I would also remove the bit about 
bandwidth throttling. I would be surprised if many of these mirrors still do 
bandwidth throttling, at least in my unscientific downloads from a few randomly 
selected mirrors, I don’t seem to notice any very slow downloads.


Broadband penetration has also dramatically increased, statistics in nearly all 
the countries as I can find show that most users with internet access (that can 
view this page) will also have broadband. E.g. Pew says 84% of U.S. households 
own a computer, and 73% of households have broadband. China Daily says Chinese 
speeds average 9.46 Mb/s. So I do not believe it is appropriate any more to put 
the best option for dial-up at the top of the page. And while there’s nothing 
wrong with jigdo or bittorrent, it will probably take the average user more 
time to download, install, and open jigdo than to simply download the iso from 
their closest mirror in their browser using the auto mirror selector.


Speaking of that, the automatic mirror selector has been working for over a 
year now, so perhaps we should drop the “experimental” label and make it the 
default as well. I do not think it is used for the iso links on ? Do we plan to use it there?



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