Hello Eriberto and Doug, I just added github as an "upstream" remote
to my local detox git repo, which was cloned from Debian's.

git had to download the entire upstream repo, saying specifically:
$ git fetch upstream
warning: no common commits
remote: Counting objects: 310, done.
remote: Total 310 (delta 0), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 309
Receiving objects: 100% (310/310), 268.73 KiB | 7.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (201/201), done.
>From https://github.com/dharple/detox
 * [new branch]      develop    -> upstream/develop
 * [new branch]      master     -> upstream/master
 * [new tag]         v1.3.0     -> v1.3.0
 * [new tag]         v1.2.0     -> v1.2.0
 * [new tag]         v1.2.1     -> v1.2.1

So, is there a way to connect the repos so that when one clones from
one repo, then fetches from the other, the shared objects are not

(detox is a great repo to figure out how to solve this problem on,
because it's so small)

Having included both repos in my local repo, I am wondering about
these two tags, which ought be the same git ID, but are not!:

1.3.0 according to upstream:

d23cd12f7ff3730f4be9643fdcabe2fe0f3ebd74 refs/tags/upstream/1.3.0

1.3.0 according to debian:

de8750555a2ae79dc138d5433879de0bd5d76f62 refs/tags/v1.3.0

Now, if Debian's repo is older, then of course that's the obvious

Not that there's any "should"s, but is it appropriate to say for
example that one repo "should" clone the other?

Or, for another example, "should" the upstream repo import all the
Debian tags and objects?

Or "should" the Debian repo import the upstream now that it's in git?

Or, finally, "should" each import the other? I.e. Debian import
upstream, and upstream import Debian?

I'm actually not the knowledgeable about git sorry, so my questions
might be stupid - I'm trying to figure out how to create "the ideal
situation" if that makes sense...

I have set up my local clone repos, and backups, to have "remotes"
that point to each other.

I.e. e.g.:
 - I've cloned the antlr and stringtemplate projects onto my local
 - I backup all my cloned repos to an external hdd
 - but sometimes I've "accidentally" worked in a clone repo on the
   external hdd, and then needed to pull that across to my internal
 - so, I set up remotes on each hdd, pointing to the other hdd, as
   well as to the (sometimes more than one) upstream/external/public
 - then when I do a git fetch --all, the priority/sequencing
   in my .git/config file is such that:
   - git will always first try to grab any updates locally, from the
     other hdd

This is important to me, because some repos are large and have lots
of public updates (e.g. the linux kernel) and my remote rural
wireless internet link is not particularly "abundant" and so I
DEFINITELY don't want to download all the changes twice
(accidentally), so I always try to get changes first from my backup,
and my backup repo always tries to get changes first from my
workstation, and I am happy and calm :)

Hope you don't mind my rambling..

Kind regards,

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