Severity: minor


I just did a sponsored upload for libgit2 because the DM for it had his upload
rejected. Apparently DMs are not allowed to upload to NEW, and this package
changes its major version quite often so the binary package name needs to be
renamed from libgit2-24 to libgit2-25, etc etc.

The concept of DM is supposed to help smooth the process of contributing to
Debian and reduce the amount of "paperwork" DDs have to do in terms of
sponsored uploads. I'm not sure what this ACL gains us - if a DD has already
given a DM upload permissions for a package, this likely *includes* the fact
that we trust them to do binary-NEW stuff well.

Could we relax the ACL for DMs so that they can upload to binary-NEW?

To clarify, of course the new packages would still have to manually processed
by the FTP team, just like how it works for DDs currently. The point is to not
have it be auto-rejected.


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