Daniel Ring dijo [Sun, Apr 30, 2017 at 05:53:11PM -0700]:
> Rainloop is a PHP-based MUA with a modern interface and no database 
> requirements.
> It supports IMAP and SMTP protocols (including SSL), Sieve scripts,
> multiple accounts and identities, an admin panel for configuration,
> and integration with a variety of commonly-used services. Plugins
> can be installed to further extend functionality. Emails are not
> stored locally, but are accessed through IMAP.
> Debian already has a few webmail packages, but very few with a
> modern interface style, all of which require a database backend. I
> created a package for Rainloop for personal use, but I think other
> Debian users may find it useful as well.
> I should be able to handle maintainance myself, as very few changes
> are required from upstream, but I will need a sponsor.

Hi Daniel,

I'm interested in looking at your package. When it's ready and when
you need a sponsor, mail me!

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