On Mon, 27 Jun 2016 13:03:09 +0300 Peter Pentchev wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for the suggestion, and thanks for the provided sample file!
> Also, apologies for not replying sooner.
> Actually, I've been thinking about providing a native systemd unit /
> service file for quite some time now, and there's just one thing that
> has stopped me from doing that: the SysV init script provided by
> upstream and used in the Debian package allows the users to have more
> than one stunnel service defined in separate /etc/stunnel/*.conf files
> and start/stop individual services by running
> /etc/init.d/stunnel4 start|stop filename
> ...thereby starting/stopping the stunnel instance defined in
> the /etc/stunnel/filename.conf file.
> However... your bug report made me stop and think for a second, and
> I figured out (and then tested it) that this does not actually work as
> intended on a systemd installation, since there is a file in /lib/lsb/
> that redirects all /etc/init.d/* calls to systemctl invocations; well,
> systemctl then figures out that there is no systemd service file and
> runs the /etc/init.d/ script again, but by this time the "filename"
> argument has been long forgotten, and the invocation starts or stops
> all of the tunnels defined in /etc/stunnel/*.conf files.


Hopefully clicking reply in the web UI routes this to the correct place.

I've been using a systemd unit file for stunnel4 that *does* support
essentially the same thing as the init.d script.


Description=Universal SSL tunnel for network daemons (%i)

ExecStart=/usr/bin/stunnel4 /etc/stunnel/%i.conf

WantedBy=multi-user.target Alias=stunnel4.service


Starting a specific stunnel with this is achieved with

    systemctl start stunnel4@<name>.service

Within the systemd unit file, all occurrences of %i are replaced with <name>.

I think this meets the requirements you described. It even allows enabling
and disabling specific stunnels for start at boot time.

> Of course I know that I can run /etc/init.d/stunnel4 with the env var
> _SYSTEMCTL_SKIP_REDIRECT set to a non-empty string, but even this does
> not really work as intended: if I start a new stunnel instance this way,
> it will not be in the /system.slice/stunnel4.service cgroup, and this

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