Control: forwarded -1
Control: tags -1 +patch

Simon McVittie <> writes:

> On Mon, 08 May 2017 at 11:16:48 +0200, Pim van den Berg wrote:
>> As you can see ceph assumes our init system is sysvinit in stretch, while it
>> is systemd.
> No, our init system is "either sysvinit or systemd, or maybe even Upstart".
> get_init_system() in reportbug's reportbug.utils demonstrates how to detect
> which one we're dealing with.
> (In particular, /run/systemd/system is the canonical way to probe for
> a system where systemctl can be expected to work.)

There is already a patch proposed upstream doing exactly this. I
modified it a bit to apply to the current version in stretch and removed
some more code which is now unused to avoid confusion.

My proposed debdiff is attached to this mail. I'm currently building the
package and will then do some tests to verify that the patch works as
expected with systemd and sysvinit. This will take some time (the build
alone takes several hours).


Attachment: bug_862075.debdiff
Description: Binary data

>>          debian_codenames = {
>> +            '9': 'stretch',
> The codenames for what will become Debian 10 (buster) and Debian 11
> (bullseye) are already known, precisely to be able to avoid this sort
> of bug. However, if what Ceph really wants to know is a fact like
> "what is the init system?", it should be probing for the init system,
> not going via the OS vendor and version.
>     S
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