Package: onionshare
Version: 0.9.1-1
Severity: normal


unless we do something about it, onionshare will be auto-removed from
testing soon as it depends on torbrowser-launcher that itself won't
make it into Stretch.

There are plans to address the root cause of the problem in Buster
(thanks to onion-grater), but for Stretch I suggest we:

1. demote "Depends: torbrowser-launcher" to Recommends
2. document in README.Debian that to use onionshare, one needs
   a) to install and run torbrowser-launcher so onionshare uses this
   b) to configure access to the control port of a system-wide Tor,
      and point onionshare to it

… which would allow us to ship onionshare in Stretch, with sub-optimal
usability, sure, but still better than not having it at all IMO.

What do you think? Sounds doable?


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