On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 09:03:43AM +0100, Daniel Schaal wrote:
> The attached patch adds the following:
> * Add sa-update.service and sa-update.timer
> * Move common cronjob functions to /etc/spamassassin/spamassassin.cron.common
> * Add check to original cronjob to only run when not using systemd
> * Add documentation to spamassassin.default on how to enable sa-update on 
> systems
>   using systemd

Thanks for this, and sorry for the delayed response. I'd actually
already implemented such functionality, and have been running it
successfully in my environment for some time. However, since it's too
late to get this into stretch, I'm going to wait until after the release
to integrate it. (It makes life easier in case we need to push a last
minute bugfix to stretch if testing and unstable are in sync.)

I'll check out your patch and merge it with mine as it makes sense.


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