Package: subversion
Version: 1.9.5-1
Severity: minor

Good morning James / *,

The package description reads:

> Description-en: Advanced version control system
>  Apache Subversion, also known as svn, is a centralised version control
>  system.  Version control systems allow many individuals (who may be
>  distributed geographically) to collaborate on a set of files (source
>  code, websites, etc).  Subversion began with a CVS paradigm and
>  supports all the major features of CVS, but has evolved to support
>  many features that CVS users often wish they had.
>  .
>  This package includes the Subversion client (svn), repository
>  administration tools (svnadmin, svnlook) and a network server (svnserve).

I suggest to:

1. Change "client (svn)" to "client (svn, svnsync)".

2. State that mod_dav_svn is found in the libapache2-mod-svn package.
(Perhaps that package could even become a Suggests: ; I'm not sure.)



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