On Fri, 19 May 2017 13:07:56 +0200 Andreas =?UTF-8?B?UsO2bm5xdWlzdA==?=
<gus...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Fri, 19 May 2017 12:45:19 +0200,
> Suppositoire<supposito...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Package: alex4
> >Severity: minor
> >
> >Dear Maintainer,
> >
> >I just noticed that the French translation for "Alex the Alligator"
> >is not the right one. Indeed, it is currently "Alex
> >l'allégateur" (="Alex the Allegorist"), which does not mean the
> >same thing at all.
> >
> >It should be translated "Alex l'alligator" (alligator as in english).
> >
> >Please, notice that not only alex4 package description is concerned,
> >but also alex4-data package.
> >
> Please notice that the original English string isn't "Alex the
> Alligator", but "Alex the Allegator" - a play on words since the
> game uses the library Allegro.
> I don't know about the french translation though, it might be a
> variant on the same thing there.
> -- Andreas Rönnquist
> mailingli...@gusnan.se
> gus...@debian.org

I am sorry I had not paid attention to the play on words in the original
name of the game.

Indeed, it would be wise to take this into account in the French

However, I am not sure that the current translation is the most
appropriate. Perhaps
"Alex l'allegator" or "Alex l'allegrator" would be better.

It is therefore up to the translation team to look into the matter if

Regards. :)

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