retitle #351617 Cannot read non-UTF-8 ID3 of mp3 with gst-0.10 -- 


On Mon, Feb 06, 2006, Hongzheng Wang wrote:
> Just after upgrade to 0.9.3, I surprisingly find that rhythmbox begin
> to use gst-0.10 as backend.  It's good since gst-0.10 has many
> advantages compared with gst-0.8.  But it seems that gst-0.10 cannot
> read non-UTF-8 ID3 of mp3 files correctly.
> Well, I know all ID3 info SHOULD be encoded in UTF-8.  The reality,
> however, is not the case.  There are still a large number of mp3 files
> encoded locale depended, especially in East Asian countries.  More
> important thing is, many hardware mp3 players cannot read UTF-8 ID3
> too.  So, we couldn't solve this problem just by simply convert all
> mp3 files into UTF-8 ID3 files.
> In gst-0.8, an environment variable GST_ID3_TAG_ENCODING controls how
> gst application read ID3 info.  But it appears to be ignored by
> gst-0.10.
> Is there any method to ask gst-0.10 read non-UTF-8 ID3?

 I have no idea whether the root problem is a GStreamer limitation or a
 Rhythmbox one, but I've seen some amount of activity on ID3 tags
 parsing with respect to UTF-8 in the pre-releases of gst-plugins-good
 (gst-plugins-good- which I've commited in the pkg-gstreamer

 If you feel confortable enough, you can build -base and -good from SVN,
 and check whether they solve the problem, otherwise wait for a week or
 so until the official release happens.  If it doesn't solve your
 problem, we will look into it with more depth.


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