Hi Cesare,

Cesare Leonardi wrote:
> On 29/05/2017 11:31, Axel Beckert wrote:
> >Before you press the corresponding menu entry, but after already
> >having selected it, aptitude will show the following long description
> >in the status line:
> >
> >  Cancel all pending actions from this session
> >So this menu entry only cancels actions which weren't scheduled in
> >previous sessions on purpose.
> Thank you Axel for the detailed and clear explanation.
> I admit i've never noted the string in the status bar...
> >So maybe we should be a little bit more verbose with the short
> >description in the menu or maybe even split "Cancel pending actions"
> >into two separate menu entries:
> >
> >* Cancel pending actions of this session
> >* Cancel all pending actions
> >
> >or similar.
> It will be wonderful to have two entries, because "Cancel all
> pending actions" is quite self explanatory, will match the previous
> behaviour

I couldn't remember that we changed that, but this change was indeed a
bugfix in 0.7.6 from February 2016:

      * [curses] "Cancel pending actions" now reloads the cache (roughly
        equivalent to restarting the program), rather than marking all packages
        as "keep" plus ruining all auto-installed flags and holds
        (Closes: #537735, #576319)

> and users should not be surprised upgrading from Debian 8 to 9.
> But isn't it too late for Stretch?

For a change of behaviour: Yes, it's too late.

> Anyway, I think that making a note at least in NEWS.Debian could be helpful.

That mmight be possible, but I can't promise it.

                Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org>, http://people.debian.org/~abe/
: :' :  |  Debian Developer, ftp.ch.debian.org Admin
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