On 2017-05-30 22:51 +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:

> Sven Joachim wrote:
>> Control: reassign -1 libxapian30 1.4.1-1~bpo8+1
> I wouldn't be so quick with reassigning.
>> > aptitude: symbol lookup error: aptitude: undefined symbol:
>> _ZNK6Xapian8Database14postlist_beginERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
>> This happens because libxapian30 from jessie-backports is not compatible
>> with libstdc++6 from unstable
> Hrm, this sounds to me as if aptitude's dependency on libxapian30
> should be more tight.

True, but this is not aptitude's call.  The way to achieve it is to bump
shlibs in libxapian30 and rebuild its reverse dependencies.

> Or maybe even better: libstdc++6 should break with this version of
> libxapian30 from backports.

That's probably the most realistic way considering the proximity of the
stretch release.


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