tag 863749 + moreinfo
tag 863749 + unreproducible
retitle 863749 libreoffice-calc: desktop freezes when moving multiple cells in 
View-> Page Break mode


On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 12:38:28AM +0200, Bert Schlumwig wrote:
> When in Calc-> View-> Page Break  mode multiple cells are selected and
> being moved the desktop freezes. Mouse is able to being moved, but
> can not click on anything anymore.

your title suggests it happens also in "normal" mode. Is that true, or
only in  that Page Break mode? Which wouldn't make it important at all..
(the second libreoffice-calc is redundant and you should have mentioned
the mode, maybe, if that is the case.)

> Reproducibly frequent.

I can't. Admittedly I tried with a empty spreadsheet, but...

Some "special" things on your pc? Like "special" drivers? (nvidia?)
In case it matters: I of course have a Intel card in my laptop :)

Anyways: 5.2.7 is a dead end, upstream support will end on Sunday[1] and
we in Debian will only support it for stretchs lifetime with security

Can you also try 5.3.3 from experimental and tell whether it works, too?



[1] https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan/5.2

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