
On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 07:10:01PM -0400, JD Friedrikson wrote:
> Debian's packaged version of LXC currently is not able to stop systemd-based 
> containers as they have not responded to SIGPWR as of 
> https://github.com/lxc/lxc/commit/8eb62c245e9b67b451ba0766f3ecd7c6f2081d73 .
> The appropriate way to stop systemd via a signal is to use SIGRTMIN+3 (or, I 
> think, SIGRTMIN+4). The lxc-stop binary automatically determines whether the 
> container will respond to this signal and handles it appropriately. 
> Therefore, we should use that binary with ExecStop instead of using a signal 
> (in the service file).

You are absolutelly right! Thanks for catching this.

> This has already been fixed upstream:
> https://github.com/lxc/lxc/commit/c08d29b6d134fbb94d2cff0454ce27eb66930c4d

And thanks for fixing it upstream!

> It would be cool if we could package this fix before the release. Here's a 
> patch:

I fear it's too late for Stretch 9.0, but I'll see to include that into

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