Hello Herminio,
Hello Debianers,

I'm a luakit user and I wanted to request for the ITA on 'luakit'.

Herminio proposed to maintain it a year ago. What happened?

I use now a fresher version of luakit that is maintained on https://github.com/aidanholm/luakit by Aidan HOLM.

I asked Aidan a moment ago about a collaboration on maintaining the code (Aidan) and the Debian package (myself).

This new version is really nice and Aidan seems to be reaaly active and volonteer to make luakit better.

Luakit usage is less than before, probably due to its security issues relatives to WebKit's security holes.

What Aidan done was to port luakit to WebKit2 usage, what is more secure.

I really love luakit and want it to be maintain again.

What's next?


DAVID Grégory
Libre Software Developer


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