>>>>> "JLT" == José Luis Tallón <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Hi again!

 JLT> Anders Boström wrote:
 >> Hi!
 >> Are there any progress in a 1.38 deb? 
 JLT> I'm working on 1.38.3: Already added support for "native" TLS tunneling
 JLT> and Python, plus created the bacula-traymonitor package :-)
 JLT> I am stuck with static linking of the tools :-S

 >> Can I help in any way?
 JLT> If you are able to make the tools (bscan, bcopy) link statically with
 JLT> the massive amount of dependencies they have, you're most welcome.
 JLT> Otherwise, i will be needing beta-testers soon (hopefully)

I compiled bacula 1.38.5 without much trouble with dynamic linking. And
yes, it seems hard to compile bscan and bcopy static (I didn't try
*that* hard...).

However, is static linking needed? Why? I can see some obvious
advantages with static linking, most notably less dependencies on
other packages, but is it really needed?

A dynamic linked 1.38.5 might be better than a static 1.36...

/ Anders

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