
On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 4:51 PM, John Smart <sma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sometimes it hangs half way through and I have to interrupt:
> $ aplay oboe-bassoon.wav
> Playing WAVE 'oboe-bassoon.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate
> 48000 Hz, Stereo
> underrun!!! (at least 14300.479 ms long)
> ^CAborted by signal Interrupt...
> aplay: pcm_write:1939: write error: Interrupted system call
> Other times, it makes it to the end, and I can play it again.  Seems
> random.  After playback, there's also a quiet pink noise hiss for a
> three seconds.

This definitely sounds like a driver bug and not a pulseaudio one.
Could you try disabling timer-based scheduling? Edit
/etc/pulse/default.pa, by changing the line loading the udev module to
add 'tsched=0' at the end (without the quotes). Then restart
pulseaudio (or reboot) and try again.


Felipe Sateler

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