Guillem Jover <> (2017-06-16):
> So, I didn't try to reproduce the error first, and went directly for
> a hunch. I followed your recipe, but in steps 3* and 6* I also amended
> hicolor-icon-theme. And that seemed to fix the upgrade. Take into
> account I've not had the time to analyze the dependency chain, nor if
> my initial setup (not using cowbuilder, etc) matches, so maybe this is
> an error in procedure. If someone else can reproduce, that'd be helpful,
> otherwise I might retry tomorrow.
> If this does fix it, it might be helpful also to try just amending the
> triggers in the stretch "mock", instead of in the jessie one, to see if
> such a fixed package would be enough.

I guess it would make sense to try and find out various sets of packages
to install in jessie that make one run into the triggers loop while
upgrading, then make sure that updating the 3 packages in jessie+stretch
(with the interest→interest-noawait update) indeed resolve all loops.

If we have some confirmation on this side, we might then proceed to
updating them through oldstable-p-u and stable-p-u?

Independently, I think we really need to have something in the release
notes; not about openjdk-7 at all, but about what to do to fix or work
around such a triggers loop when one runs into it. Triggering one with a
basic gnome dist-upgrade was probably some kind of luck, but I suspect
there are some/many other ways to run into similar issues…


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