On Sun, 2017-06-18 at 13:01 +0200, Francesco Poli wrote:
> [...]
>   jpegdec     → rank 256
>   avdec_mjpeg → rank 64
> It then sets swapped ranks with set_rank() :
>   jpegdec     → rank 64
>   avdec_mjpeg → rank 256
> which are checked again and found to be set as desired.
> Nonetheless, the AVI file is still played at degraded quality,
> as if nothing had changed at all.

The problem here is that avdec_mjpeg needs jpegparse, jpegdec doesn't.
And jpegparse has a rank of 0, so will never be automatically used.

Try setting the jpegparse rank to 256 too, avdec_mjpeg to 256 and
jpegdec to 0.

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