Control: tag -1 - moreinfo

Dear maintainer(s), dear Axel.

Removing moreinfo tag as I now provide more info than you ever wanted to know 
and as "moreinfo" tag still being set may have led to lack of maintainer 

I digged quite a bit deeper into the issue. 

My finding is that current Debian Stretch screen behaviour breaks SSH sessions 
to many other systems by adding "screen." to the terminal name in $TERM and by 
not using just "screen" as Debian Jessie´s screen did. See SLES 12 SP2 and 
CentOS 7 as two examples below.

Since this bug report is still quite sparse on maintainer feedback and adding 
"export TERM=xterm" or something like that to any affected system is quite 
tedious. I investigated adding

term xterm-256color

and later

term xterm

to "/etc/screenrc", but while this leads to given terminal being set in the 
screen session, this won´t work nicely either. It will lead to background 
color in YaST not being painted everywhere.

See attached screenshot "screen-term-xterm-256color.png". "no-screen-term-
xterm-256color.png" shows how YaST should look like instead. So it appears to 
me that screen indeed needs some special handling for colors, which seems to 
be activated by prepending using "screen.xterm-256color" instead of just 
"xterm-256color" in the current screen package in Stretch.

So I finally checked what terminal screen of Debian Jessie sets. And it is just 
"screen". So I tried:

term screen

in "/etc/screenrc", but this leads to "screen.xterm-256color". So there seems 
to be some automagic stuff in screen that adds the original terminal name if 
the terminal is set to "screen" and I am finally in the mode to just ditch 
"screen" and try with "tmux" and I am absolutely not in favor of software 
breaking perfectly fine working things by some automagic that I do not know how 
to disable.

But after trying my way through terminals "vt100" and "ansi" I finally found a 
work-around to this issue that appears to work:

term screen-256color

in "/etc/screenrc" appears to work nicely with both SLES 12 and CentOS 7.

I really suggest logging into this as this will likely break shell sessions in 
non-obvious ways for quite some users as they upgrade to Debian Stretch. Even 
if they just use Debian, cause Debian Jessie also doesn´t know 

So I really ask for the maintainers to step up and think about a solution to 
this issue and finally fix it.

demotuxdcproxy is Debian Stretch.

# With SLES12 SP 2, without screen

root@demotuxdcproxy:~# ssh root@ldap3
ldap3:~ # echo $TERM

=> works perfectly

# With SLES12 SP 2, with screen

root@demotuxdcproxy:~# ssh root@ldap3
ldap3:~ # echo $TERM

ldap3:~ # LANG=C vim
E437: terminal capability "cm" required
Press ENTER or type command to continue

=> Completely broken, even backspace does not work, however it does not appear 
to be recognized as an unknown terminal, in "vim" even linefeeds are not 

# With CentOS 7.3.1611, without screen

root@demotuxdcproxy:~# ssh root@ldap2
[root@ldap2 ~]# echo $TERM

=> Works perfectly

# With CentOS 7.3.1611, with screen

[root@ldap2 ~]# echo $TERM

[root@ldap2 ~]# nmtui-edit
Unknown terminal: screen.xterm-256color
Check the TERM environment variable.
Also make sure that the terminal is defined in the terminfo database.
Alternatively, set the TERMCAP environment variable to the desired
termcap entry.

=> Unknown terminal definition.

Martin Steigerwald  | Trainer

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