Marcelo Gondim <> wrote:
> Em 23/06/2017 02:07, Noah Meyerhans escreveu:
> >On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 11:50:35PM -0300, Marcelo Gondim wrote:
> >>    Configurando spamassassin (3.4.1-6) ...
> >>    -su: 53: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "}")
> >>    dpkg: erro ao processar o pacote spamassassin (--configure):
> >>     sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de 
> >> saĆ­da
> >>    de erro 2
> >What is /bin/sh on your system?
> >
> >noah
> >
> >
> Hi Noah,
> I discovered what was happening. On my servers I use a code in /etc/profile:
> _compssh ()
> {
> COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '$(cat ${HOME}/.ssh/config | grep "^Host\b" - | sed
> -e "s/Host //")' -- $cur))
> }
> complete -F _compssh ssh
> I do not know why it is causing this but after removing it, the problem has
> stopped. You can close the bug if you prefer.

Hi Marcelo,

That function is bash-specific, and since you're using dash, it
won't parse correctly.  You should install a guard around it
to check if the shell running that code is bash.

Anyways, I am now a little more comfortable about upgrading to
Debian 9 this weekend :)

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