This is an old bug report, but the subject says it all. 
Due to the may configuration changes in smb.conf now and comming its really 
suggested to make an upgrade patch for samba.
for example now. 
samba => upgrade => fails due to failty smb.conf, error dpkg .. etc., now this 
looks like packaging errors, but its not. 
I would suggest, 
samba => upgrade( start with replace/use other smb.conf for a correct one), 
upgrade, ( place smb.conf back  => now upgrading never fails. 

but now samba/winbind fails to start do to failty smb.conf. 
so i would suggest, if samba/winbind fails to start point users to ( as of 
samba 4.6.x , running samba-tool testparm ) 
this at least check idmappings settings. 
All samba upgrades to 4.5.x must check and correct smb.conf. 
After checking/correcting smb.conf run : net cache flush
Few of the things i encountered. 


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