Hello Benno, thank you.

I checked the regexes and could not find any clou,
that the regex for awk could catch shell scripts:

from my awk.nanorc:

        syntax "awk" "\.a:wk$"
        header "^#!/usr/bin/g?awk"

If a wrong regex would be the cause of the problem, the effect should be 
a wrong syntax highlighting, but not just _no_ highlighting.

(by the way, my current nano version is 2.2.6, while the man page for 
nanorc is version 2.0.0 from August 23, 2007 and does not include a 
description of the header-command. But /usr/share/nano/sh.nanorc does 
use it:

        header "^#!.*/(ba|k|pdk)?sh[-0-9_]*"

so I assume, I may use it too for my awk.nanorc)

In the meantime, I found two things which seem noteworthy,
one information and one rumour:

1) on the nano home page, the recommendation for the current version 2.8 
to build a user specific .nanorc still suggests to copy the 
sample.nanorc to start with, which is the same as copying /etc/nanorc 
[https://www.nano-editor.org/dist/v2.8/faq.html#3.9a]. This means, that 
puting only selected commands in .nanorc ist _not_ recommended.

2) On https://github.com/nanorc/nanorc I found an anonymous rumour: 
„There appears to be a bug in older versions of nano that causes 
highlighting to fail when /etc/nanorc and ~/.nanorc both contain syntax 
rules. The usual workaround is to remove all syntax and include commands 
from one file or the other, or to use a newer version of nano.“ But I 
could not find a reference for this statement nor a version, for which 
it should be valid.

Regards, Bernward.

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