package: linux-image-4.9.0-3-686-pae
version: 4.9.30-2+deb9u2
# severity: important ?


upon upgrading the i386 build nodes for to Stretch
I noticed a huge performance loss, which I could "fix" by installing 
linux-image-4.9.0-3-amd64:amd64 (version 4.9.30-2+deb9u2 too).
(which btw is a nice example for Multiarchs's usefulness…)

Today Vagrant pointed me to
which is the upstream issue tracking this.

I'm filing this bug for the benefit of other Debian users and for myself to
benefit from the BTS subscription and tracking features…

We want to run half of our i386 build nodes with a 32 bit kernel and the other
half with an 64 bit kernel to test reproducibility under this variation, so
I'm really looking forward to see this bug fixed soon. Other people can
probably just keep running the amd64 kernel, thus I've decided for normal 
severity for this issue.

Thanks for maintaining src:linux!


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