Package: dbusVersion: 1.10.20-1Severity: normal Dear Maintainer
* What led up to the situation? I upgraded dbus (from 1.10.18-1 to 1.10.20-1) as part of a regular aptitude upgrade * What was the outcome of this action? A message "A reboot is required to replace the running dbus-daemon." was shown and /var/run/reboot-required was touched, but /var/run/reboot-required.pgks remained unchanged (absent in this case) * What outcome did you expect instead? Additionally to the above, /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs should be used to identify dbus as the package requesting a reboot. As a secondary issue, I would vote for a fix for but if we do need a reboot, it should be clear why to facilitate an informed decision about when the reboot should be scheduled As a tertiary issue, but I can't work out where to report it (pointers welcome!) the contents of the reboot-required.pkgs file in general could really do with some more information about the package versions and the timing of the request - that way I can look at the changelog to see what rebooting will get me in terms of bugfixes etc. (eg. if if the update fixes a typo in a rare error message but dbus can't be replaced without a reboot, that reboot is going to wait until I have a better reason to reboot - if it fixes a major security issue, that reboot will happen as soon as reasonably possible) P.S. reportbug let me down so I'm attempting to submit this by email - sorry if I've missed important information or mucked up the formatting etc. Cheers & God bless Sam "SammyTheSnake" Penny