Control: tags -1 +wontfix 

Le samedi, 1 juillet 2017, 18.38:28 h CEST GT a écrit :
>    * What led up to the situation?
> use of the command lsb_release --all
> :~$ lsb_release --all
> No LSB modules are available.
> Distributor ID: Debian
> Description:    Debian GNU/Linux oldstable-updates (sid)
> Release:        oldstable-updates
> Codename:       sid
>    * What outcome did you expect instead?
> An accurate report:
> :~$ cat /usr/lib/os-release
> PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux buster/sid"
> NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
> ID=debian
> HOME_URL="";
> why lsb-release diplays sid while i am using buster?

lsb-release cannot _know_ that you're u sing buster and not sid, as the
/usr/lib/os-release file (as shipped by base-files) contains this "buster/
sid" string (you also find this in /etc/debian_version, which is what uses). That's specifically made to avoid having to have one 
base-files package per suite, which would make base-files more of a special 
package than it already is.

As, technically, a set of "unstable" packages could also be a valid set of 
"testing" packages (5 days without bugs or uploads later, for instance), 
it's impossible to guess from the files on the system whether it's running 
"testing" or "unstable".

And finally, don't rely on lsb_release's output for anything non-stable; 
it's bound to be unreliable, by construction. One should really rely on 
feature-detection rather than version-matching.

Hereby closing as not-a-bug.


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