Dear Maintainer.

I know of this:

> Vim will load $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim if the user does not have a vimrc.
> This happens after /etc/vim/vimrc(.local) are loaded, so it will override
> any settings in these files.

But the settings in "defaults.vim" IMHO are just *completely* broken for 
several reasons:

1) Maybe due to a bug in Vim regarding mouse handling with "set mouse=a" Vim 
is just madly moving around the cursor and doing whatelse not for easily a 
minute in a lot of freshly installed Debian 9 VMs accesses via SSH and screen 
from Plasma´s Konsole terminal emulator.

2) Activated mouse handling breaks copy and paste text from Plasma´s clipboard 
by… auto-indenting and what else not. I know of "set nopaste" (or what else it 
was called)… but having to activate it is an additional nuisance.

3) Vim wordwraps by default now. I wonder about how many admins will break 
config files with long lines accidently by that new default behaviour.

These defaults may be somewhat suitable for a desktop editor, but for Vim I 
think they are just plain broken. So I kindly ask you reconsider applying this 
broken configuration… or at least consider restoring a sane order in which Vim 
applies configuration:

I think it is broken behaviour, that "defaults.vim" is loaded *after* 
"vimrc.local". The sane default would be this order:

1. Global vim configuration
2. /etc/vim/vimrc.local
3. $HOME/.vimrc

The current order is a cross disrespect and paternalism for the local site 

The order vim uses now makes it necessary for me to add

let g:skip_defaults_vim = 1

to *any* newly installed Debian 9 system.

In addition to "screen" this is the second new default config that breaks 
existing setups.

Thank you,

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