Theodore Ts'o writes:
> I have to ask --- ***why*** are you (and other people) running
> badblocks in 2017?  Badblocks as a thing started becoming irrelevant
> for e2fsprogs's purpose sometime around 2003-2005, when SATA was
> introduced, and drive electronics were smart enough that they could be
> largely counted upon to do automatic bad block redirection in the
> drive.

Personally I use it for a few things:

1) as a way of forcing the drive to test every block and force to to
internally reallocate any sectors that are marginal _before_ the drive
is in production. The SMART tests are supposed to do this, but they
are opaque and up to the vendor to implement correctly. If I use
badblocks -w I know each (O/S visible) block gets tested 5 times.

2) as a way of exercising/burning-in the mechanism to avoid deploying a
drive that is likely to fail. I time the badblock run and if the time
diverges significantly from other drives of the same model, I know
something is wrong. As a side benefit it exercises other components in
the path, io controller, ram, cpu. The SMART tests should also work
for this, but again it's hard to measure.
(side note, I remember ~2000 someone (VA Linux Systems? joeyh?
cerberus?) having a tool that did burn-in on their servers by running
cpuburn in parallel with a bunch of copies of badblocks running on the
(then SCSI) drives.)

3) as a cheap and easy way to wipe data from drives. Using -w with it's
5 different patterns is a good way of ensuring the data is
unrecoverable before reusing/recycling the drive.

If you know of better options for these tasks I'm happy to switch to
something other than badblocks.


Matt Taggart

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