The virtual package, which is provided by all policykit authentication agents, is now "polkit-1-auth-agent":

hb1@debian:~$ aptitude show polkit-1-auth-agent
No candidate version found for polkit-1-auth-agent
Package: polkit-1-auth-agent
State: not a real package
Provided by: gnome-flashback (3.22.0-3), gnome-shell (3.22.3-3),
             lxpolkit (0.5.3-2), lxqt-policykit (0.11.1-1),
             mate-polkit (1.16.0-2), policykit-1-gnome (0.105-6),
             polkit-kde-agent-1 (4:5.8.4-1)

A new dependency for Thunar could then be:

thunar recommends lxpolkit|polkit-1-auth-agent

But since the XDG autostart file for lxpolkit is effectively disabled by adding "Hidden=true", thunar would have to provide an own autostart file. It could be defined as /etc/xdg/autostart/xfpolkit.desktop with the contents:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=LXPolKit for XFCE
Comment=Policykit Authentication Agent

Or, for the canonical solution, you could add the recommendation:

thunar recommends policykit-1-gnome|polkit-1-auth-agent

The file /etc/xdg/autostart/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1.desktop is already configured for XFCE (but surprisingly not for GNOME):


I would add this dependency to Thunar, because the package thunar already recommends gvfs, and that uses policykit for authorization.

Hartmut Buhrmester

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