
On Wed, 2017-07-12 at 23:00:44 +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> > It would be nice if lintian could error out when finding an orig
> > tarball signature on source format 1.0 packages.
> >
> > The pattern for the signature is «<basename>.orig.tar.gz.asc».
> Where are these files stored? Am I confusing this with
> debian/upstream-signing-key.asc … ?

They are part of the source package, referenced by the .dsc. You can
see existing instances of this in the archive, such as:

  $ apt-cache showsrc libbsd | grep '\.asc$'

But at this point I'm not sure if the report makes sense anymore, as
I might as well enable signatures for format 1.0, given that stable
supports unpacking those now. Thanks for the "accidental" reminder. :)

The report would still make sense for anything targetting a stable
release though, so it perhaps still has some merit? Otherwise it can
be closed.


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