On 02/07/17 19:04, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 02, 2017 at 05:01:20PM +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:
>> On Fri, 30 Jun 2017 12:39:09 +0200, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
>>> We need to distinguish among blockers and non-blockers in that list. E.g.,
>>> "fails to run with perl 5.26" is a blocker, but "uses a deprecated feature" 
>>> is
>>> not. 
>> Just for clarification, most of the bugs which have "deprecated" in
>> the title will fail to run with 5.26; IOW: the warnings are from
>> 5.24, and in 5.26 the issues become fatal.
> I've retitled those bugs would could be confusing in this regard. I
> believe that all the bugs which severity: important are the ones which
> would become RC when we decide we want to start soon.
> Noting for completeness that Niko has added the other lockers on
> architecture: all related FTBFS bugs as requested by Emilio.

Thanks. Please go ahead and bump them to severity:serious as we are close to
doing this.


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