Well that defininatly explains why update-grub stops. It gets 1 as
return value and therefore exits.

It seems that the file /dev/sda1 does not exist or something goes
wrong in readlink. Can you try
ls -la /dev/sda1
in order to see what /dev/sda1 points to?


On 2/12/06, Didrik Pinte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Le dimanche 12 février 2006 à 19:22 +0100, Kristian Edlund a écrit :
> > Hi again
> >
> > It doesn't fail on my machine, so either it is caused by the amd64
> > architecture or the raid device.
> >
> > It seems to fail around the command readlink -f /dev/sda1
> > Can you send the output of
> >
> > readlink -f /dev/sda1
> > and
> > readlink -f /dev/sda1 ; echo $?
> >
> > Kristian
> Here you are ;-)
> -------------------------------------------------------
> serveurmeteo:/home/did# readlink -f /dev/sda1
> serveurmeteo:/home/did# readlink -f /dev/sda1 ; echo $?
> 1
> serveurmeteo:/home/did#
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Didrik
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQBD735Z9Rlh4Zs4yBMRArq3AJ0ScNiD5Tei3tjRZW1RQEPP3vRjQgCeONC5
> naJ0iqUgOEP212TJY23dxK4=
> =LuLN
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