On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 10:32:34AM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Sean Whitton writes ("Re: Bug#868526: dgit-user(7) should say how to use 
> sbuild"):
> > Thanks.  Let's see what invocation of sbuild we end up with.
>   git pull chiark master
> and you'll see4 what I came up with.

Well, `git fetch ian` in my case ;)


> It's not pretty.  See also #868527 against sbuild.

#868527 is a very encouraging read.  To my mind, the git-archive(1)
approach suggested there would be a big step forward for sbuild.

Depending on the final interface for that new feature -- whether it
requires an option, or whether sbuild autodetects a git repo -- it might
be worth ensuring that `dgit sbuild` always uses the new feature.

> >  As you know, I'm hoping to come up with a script for dgit-user(7),
> > using git subtrees.
> What ?  I haven't had any coffee yet, but I am confused.

Sorry, I meant worktrees.

I think that this new sbuild feature might render that idea of mine

Sean Whitton

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