Hello Bin,

On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 11:03:08PM -0400, Bin Guo wrote:
>   I recently upgraded thunderbird from 1:45.8.0-3 to 1:52.2.1-4, and
> noticed that the shortcut to insert link when composing changed from
> Ctrl-L to Ctrl-K, but it doesn't actually work --- it in fact deletes
> text. Also other keys like Ctrl-F is not searching, but moving forward.
>   This happens even in safe mode, while a windows version works fine.
> Inserting hyperlinks is a common operation when composing, Ctrl-K should
> work as expected to display the insert hyperlink dialog.

I can't reproduce your problem on any of my Thunderbird installations.
All shortcut you want to use are working excatly in the way it should

Maybe you have changed something to the keyconfig?


You could also create a new profile and compare the prefs.js file
afterwards each other.

At least your issue isn't related to the new version of Thunderbird I


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