On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 01:17:47PM +0200, Moritz Muehlenhoff wrote:
> That particular CVE ID is no-dsa by itself, but there's been
> new issues reported (not yet in the BTS, also not sure whether upstream
> has acted on those):
> https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2017-11541
> https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2017-11542
> https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2017-11543
> https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2017-11544
> https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2017-11545

This is also in upstream issue tracker:


These are only issues when using older versions of libpcap. This has been
verified by me and ack'd by the researcher. For example this setup was not

tcpdump version 4.10.0-PRE-GIT_2017_07_24
libpcap version 1.8.1
OpenSSL 1.0.1t  3 May 2016
Compiled with AddressSanitizer/GCC.

Tcpdump is clearly asking people to test with the latest releases or SCM code
so I don't think they will start analyzing these cases any further. I can
reproduce these issues in Debian if needed? I'm unable to start making patches
or backports though.

> Next point updates are quite some time afar, so let's wait a bit until
> those new ones have been investigated further.

Tcpdump is planning to publish new release soon, which fixes security issues.

Henri Salo

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