
I second all of Andreas' patches except the 5th and 8th.  I've attached
the diff to which my second applies.

The 5th and 8th patches introduce a normative requirement to use
debhelper.  This is a first for policy, which up to now only comments
that using debhelper is "easiest".

I've spoken to h01ger and gregoa IRL and they say that they missed the
magic word "should" which is what makes debhelper required by these
patches.  So I'm seeking seconds for the following replacement for
Andreas' 5th and 8th patches:

diff --git a/policy.xml b/policy.xml
index 3daa532..c6c7412 100644
--- a/policy.xml
+++ b/policy.xml
@@ -8525,6 +8525,14 @@ fi</programlisting>
             <literal>update-rc.d</literal>, please consult its man page
+          <para>
+            It is easiest for packages not to call
+            <command>update-rc.d</command> directly, but instead use
+            debhelper programs that add the required
+            <command>update-rc.d</command> calls automatically.  See
+            <command>dh_installinit</command>,
+            <command>dh_systemd_enable</command>, etc.
+          </para>
         <section id="s9.3.3.2">
@@ -8573,6 +8581,14 @@ invoke-rc.d <replaceable>package</replaceable> 
             <command>invoke-rc.d</command>, please consult its man page
+          <para>
+            It is easiest for packages not to call
+            <command>invoke-rc.d</command> directly, but instead use
+            debhelper programs that add the required
+            <command>invoke-rc.d</command> calls automatically.  See
+            <command>dh_installinit</command>,
+            <command>dh_systemd_start</command>, etc.
+          </para>

Sean Whitton
diff --git a/policy.sgml b/policy.sgml
index 9cd182b..2b37df8 100644
--- a/policy.sgml
+++ b/policy.sgml
@@ -7053,12 +7053,6 @@ Built-Using: grub2 (= 1.99-9), loadlin (= 1.6e-1)
 		  in <file>/run</file> should be stored on a temporary
 		  file system.
-		<p>
-		  Packages must not assume the <file>/run</file>
-		  directory exists or is usable without a dependency
-		  on <tt>initscripts (>= 2.88dsf-13.3)</tt> until the
-		  stable release of Debian supports <file>/run</file>.
-		</p>
@@ -7654,7 +7648,7 @@ test -f <var>program-executed-later-in-script</var> || exit 0
-	  <heading>Interfacing with the initscript system</heading>
+	  <heading>Interfacing with init systems</heading>
 	    Maintainers should use the abstraction layer provided by
@@ -7697,19 +7691,6 @@ test -f <var>program-executed-later-in-script</var> || exit 0
-	      By default <prgn>update-rc.d</prgn> will start services in
-	      each of the multi-user state runlevels (2, 3, 4, and 5)
-	      and stop them in the halt runlevel (0), the single-user
-	      runlevel (1) and the reboot runlevel (6).  The system
-	      administrator will have the opportunity to customize
-	      runlevels by simply adding, moving, or removing the
-	      symbolic links in <file>/etc/rc<var>n</var>.d</file> if
-	      symbolic links are being used, or by modifying
-	      <file>/etc/runlevel.conf</file> if the <tt>file-rc</tt> method
-	      is being used.
-	    </p>
-	    <p>
 	      To get the default behavior for your package, put in your
 	      <prgn>postinst</prgn> script
 	      <example compact="compact">
@@ -7727,15 +7708,6 @@ test -f <var>program-executed-later-in-script</var> || exit 0
-	      This will use a default sequence number of 20.  If it does
-	      not matter when or in which order the <file>init.d</file>
-	      script is run, use this default.  If it does, then you
-	      should talk to the maintainer of the <prgn>sysvinit</prgn>
-	      package or post to <tt>debian-devel</tt>, and they will
-	      help you choose a number.
-	    </p>
-	    <p>
 	      For more information about using <tt>update-rc.d</tt>,
 	      please consult its man page <manref name="update-rc.d"
@@ -7756,8 +7728,8 @@ test -f <var>program-executed-later-in-script</var> || exit 0
 	      The package maintainer scripts must use
 	      <prgn>invoke-rc.d</prgn> to invoke the
-	      <file>/etc/init.d/*</file> initscripts, instead of
-	      calling them directly.
+	      <file>/etc/init.d/*</file> initscripts or equivalent,
+	      instead of calling them directly.
@@ -7769,17 +7741,11 @@ test -f <var>program-executed-later-in-script</var> || exit 0
-	      Most packages will simply need to change:
-	      <example compact="compact">/etc/init.d/&lt;package&gt;
-	      &lt;action&gt;</example> in their <prgn>postinst</prgn>
-	      and <prgn>prerm</prgn> scripts to:
+	      Most packages will simply use:
 	      <example compact="compact">
-	if which invoke-rc.d >/dev/null 2>&1; then
 		invoke-rc.d <var>package</var> &lt;action&gt;
-	else
-		/etc/init.d/<var>package</var> &lt;action&gt;
-	fi
+	      in their <prgn>postinst</prgn> and <prgn>prerm</prgn> scripts.
@@ -7798,226 +7764,19 @@ test -f <var>program-executed-later-in-script</var> || exit 0
-	  <heading>Boot-time initialization</heading>
-          <p>
-            There used to be another directory, <file>/etc/rc.boot</file>,
-            which contained scripts which were run once per machine
-            boot. This has been deprecated in favour of links from
-            <file>/etc/rcS.d</file> to files in <file>/etc/init.d</file> as
-            described in <ref id="/etc/init.d">.  Packages must not
-            place files in <file>/etc/rc.boot</file>.
-	  </p>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1>
 	    An example on which you can base your
 	    <file>/etc/init.d</file> scripts is found in
+	    Examples on which you can base your systemd integration on
+	    is available in the man page <manref name="systemd.unit" section="8">.
-      <sect>
-	<heading>Console messages from <file>init.d</file> scripts</heading>
-	<p>
-	  This section describes the formats to be used for messages
-	  written to standard output by the <file>/etc/init.d</file>
-	  scripts.  The intent is to improve the consistency of
-	  Debian's startup and shutdown look and feel.  For this
-	  reason, please look very carefully at the details.  We want
-	  the messages to have the same format in terms of wording,
-	  spaces, punctuation and case of letters.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	  Here is a list of overall rules that should be used for
-	  messages generated by <file>/etc/init.d</file> scripts.  
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	  <list>
-	    <item>
-		The message should fit in one line (fewer than 80
-		characters), start with a capital letter and end with
-		a period (<tt>.</tt>) and line feed (<tt>"\n"</tt>).
-	    </item>
-	    <item>
-              If the script is performing some time consuming task in
-              the background (not merely starting or stopping a
-              program, for instance), an ellipsis (three dots:
-              <tt>...</tt>) should be output to the screen, with no
-              leading or tailing whitespace or line feeds.
-	    </item>
-	    <item>
-              The messages should appear as if the computer is telling
-              the user what it is doing (politely :-), but should not
-                mention "it" directly.  For example, instead of:
-		<example compact="compact">
-I'm starting network daemons: nfsd mountd.
-		</example>
-		the message should say
-		<example compact="compact">
-Starting network daemons: nfsd mountd.
-		</example>
-	    </item>
-	  </list>
-	</p>
-	<p>
-          <tt>init.d</tt> script should use the following  standard
-          message formats for the situations enumerated below.
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	  <list>
-	    <item>
-	      <p>When daemons are started</p>
-	      <p>
-		If the script starts one or more daemons, the output
-		should look like this (a single line, no leading
-		spaces):
-		<example compact="compact">
-Starting <var>description</var>: <var>daemon-1</var> ... <var>daemon-n</var>.
-		</example>
-		The <var>description</var> should describe the
-		subsystem the daemon or set of daemons are part of,
-		while <var>daemon-1</var> up to <var>daemon-n</var>
-		denote each daemon's name (typically the file name of
-		the program).
-	      </p>
-	      <p>
-		For example, the output of <file>/etc/init.d/lpd</file>
-		would look like:
-		<example compact="compact">
-Starting printer spooler: lpd.
-		</example>
-	      </p>
-	      <p>
-		This can be achieved by saying
-		<example compact="compact">
-echo -n "Starting printer spooler: lpd"
-start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/sbin/lpd
-echo "."
-		</example>
-		in the script. If there are more than one daemon to
-		start, the output should look like this:
-		<example compact="compact">
-echo -n "Starting remote file system services:"
-echo -n " nfsd"; start-stop-daemon --start --quiet nfsd
-echo -n " mountd"; start-stop-daemon --start --quiet mountd
-echo -n " ugidd"; start-stop-daemon --start --quiet ugidd
-echo "."
-		</example>
-		This makes it possible for the user to see what is
-		happening and when the final daemon has been started.
-		Care should be taken in the placement of white spaces:
-		in the example above the system administrators can
-		easily comment out a line if they don't want to start
-		a specific daemon, while the displayed message still
-		looks good.
-	      </p>
-	    </item>
-	    <item>
-	      <p>When a system parameter is being set</p>
-	      <p>
-		If you have to set up different system parameters
-		during the system boot, you should use this format:
-		<example compact="compact">
-Setting <var>parameter</var> to "<var>value</var>".
-		</example>
-	      </p>
-	      <p>
-		You can use a statement such as the following to get
-		the quotes right:
-		<example compact="compact">
-echo "Setting DNS domainname to \"$domainname\"."
-		</example>
-	      </p>
-	      <p>
-                Note that the same symbol (<tt>"</tt>) <!-- " --> is used
-                for the left and right quotation marks.  A grave accent
-                (<tt>`</tt>) is not a quote character; neither is an
-                apostrophe (<tt>'</tt>).
-	      </p>
-	    </item>
-	    <item>
-	      <p>When a daemon is stopped or restarted</p>
-	      <p>
-		When you stop or restart a daemon, you should issue a
-		message identical to the startup message, except that
-		<tt>Starting</tt> is replaced with <tt>Stopping</tt>
-		or <tt>Restarting</tt> respectively.
-	      </p>
-	      <p>
-		For example, stopping the printer daemon will look like
-		this:
-		<example compact="compact">
-Stopping printer spooler: lpd.
-		</example>
-	      </p>
-	    </item>
-	    <item>
-	      <p>When something is executed</p>
-	      <p>
-		There are several examples where you have to run a
-		program at system startup or shutdown to perform a
-		specific task, for example, setting the system's clock
-		using <prgn>netdate</prgn> or killing all processes
-		when the system shuts down.  Your message should look
-		like this:
-		<example compact="compact">
-Doing something very useful...done.
-		</example>
-		You should print the <tt>done.</tt> immediately after
-		the job has been completed, so that the user is
-		informed why they have to wait.  You can get this
-		behavior by saying
-		<example compact="compact">
-echo -n "Doing something very useful..."
-echo "done."
-		</example>
-		in your script.
-	      </p>
-	    </item>
-	    <item>
-	      <p>When the configuration is reloaded</p>
-	      <p>
-		When a daemon is forced to reload its configuration
-		files you should use the following format:
-		<example compact="compact">
-Reloading <var>description</var> configuration...done.
-		</example>
-		where <var>description</var> is the same as in the
-		daemon starting message.
-	      </p>
-	    </item>
-	  </list>
-	</p>
-      </sect>
       <sect id="cron-jobs">
 	<heading>Cron jobs</heading>

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