Source: gdb
Version: 7.12-6
Severity: wishlist

The gdb source package's Build-Depends on texlive-base is creating
some build dependency cycles - for example:

texlive-base Depends on texlive-binaries
texlive-bin Build-Depends on libgs-dev
ghostscript Build-Depends on libopenjp2-7-dev
openjpeg2 Build-Depends on dh-apache2
apache2 Build-Depends on libaprutil1-dev
apr-util Build-Depends on default-libmysqlclient-dev
default-libmysqlclient-dev Depends on libmariadbclient-dev-compat
mariadb-10.1 Build-Depends on gdb

It would be nice if gdb could be bootstrapped without the
documentation.  Probably the easiest way would be to split out the
documentation into a gdb-doc package, and then move texlive-base to
Daniel Schepler

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