On 2017-08-18 10:35, Mattias Ellert wrote:
I am sorry to have upset you,

I'm not upset, just confused. Mostly as to why one would default to assuming that an upload to stable is /technically/ a fundamentally different beast to an upload to unstable or experimental.

but to me it was obvious the bug should
be closed by the update,

The release.debian.org bug is tracking a process. That process is complete when your fixed package is in {,old}stable, not simply because you uploaded.

and the instruction did not say it should not
be. Maybe you could add a sentence stating this in the instructions.

Which instructions? https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2016/11/msg00009.html is the most recent and closest I can think of. While that doesn't explicitly say not to close the release.d.o bug in your upload, it also aims to give positive pointers so the fact that it doesn't say to do so implies that you should not.

(The Dev Ref section on stable doesn't specify anything at all in terms of how the package should be structured afaics, so again I'd have assumed that the default was to use the changelog as usual.)



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