Hi Alec,

Am Sonntag, den 20.08.2017, 21:44 +0200 schrieb Alec Leamas:

> > Aug 20 20:38:21 merkur lircd[2361]: lircd-0.9.4c[2361]: Error: Cannot glob
> > /sys/class/rc/rc0/input[0-9]*/event[0-9]*
> > Aug 20 20:38:21 merkur lircd-0.9.4c[2361]: Error: Cannot glob
> > /sys/class/rc/rc0/input[0-9]*/event[0-9]*
> > 
> I cannot reproduce this, neither on sid (0.10.0) nor stretch (0.9.4c). 
> Is there some local configuration involved?

The same can see you at[1]. So it the local configuration. Hans and I
don't change any lirc[d] config files.

> BTW, how do you justify 'Severity: important' for this issue?

My opinion for important was the same as in[1].

> Cheers!
> --alec


[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=860296#5

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Jörg Frings-Fürst
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