
Downgrading still gives me no speech.  I have speech with orca how ever.  Espeakup also works though not at the same time.  I have espeakup disabled at the moment.


On 08/28/2017 02:38 PM, Paul Gevers wrote:
Hi Matthew

On 28-08-17 15:06, Matthew Dyer wrote:
Could you try to downgrade to version 1.05-1 so as to check whether it's
only version 1.06-1 which has the issue?
Anyhow,  went trying to downgrade, I got the
package not found erroor.  Am I doing something wrong?  I did sudo
apt-get install fenrir 1.05.
Yes, the invocation is (at least I am pretty sure):
sudo apt-get install fenrir=1.05-1
sudo apt-get install -t testing fenrir

Both commands require that you have both unstable (sid) and testing
(buster) in your apt/source.list. If you don't have that and don't want
to change it, you could download¹ the fenrir deb package and install it with
dpkg -i path/to/fenrir.deb

¹ https://packages.debian.org/buster/all/fenrir/download

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