2017-08-29 21:39 GMT+02:00 Didier 'OdyX' Raboud <o...@debian.org>:

> Le mardi, 29 août 2017, 17.46:22 h CEST Thorsten Glaser a écrit :
> > Leave /usr/bin/nodejs there for at least one more release.
> I'll just note for the purpose of the TC discussion that as of nodejs
> 6.11.2~dfsg-3 (the version currently in unstable) , the /usr/bin/nodejs →
> node
> symlink still exists, so at this point, I don't consider there is material
> for
> a TC decision either way, but it's an important conversation to be had.
> Jérémy: could you maybe clarify your plan and your rationale? This would
> help
> putting everyone on common grounds.

I replaced /usr/bin/nodejs by /usr/bin/node, and made a symlink from
/usr/bin/nodejs to /usr/bin/node.
My plan was to simply keep /usr/bin/nodejs around for some time until
no debian package rely on it. The JavaScript debian team wiki is updated
to reflect that.


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