On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 12:37 AM, Steve Langasek <vor...@debian.org> wrote:

> Because the transition is fraught.  C.UTF-8 is now built and always
> available as part of the libc package, but it's not built into the binary
> and making libc itself treat it as a built-in default is problematic; which
> means there's a need to configure C.UTF-8 on the system at install time as
> the default.

Seems reasonable. For this particular issue Python 3.7 will do the
ANSI -> UTF-8 coercion itself so this will only be an issue until that
lands. In the mean time the simplest solution would seem to be for
debhelper to add the necessary locale setting. This should match what
some of the packages are doing already.

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